There are over 40 different kinds of data products.
the NASA Exoplanet Archive at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) hosts data related to the Kepler mission planet searches.the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) hosts time series data and spacecraft calibration products, and.The data for Kepler are hosted in two locations: These data range from engineering data on the detectors to lists of planet candidates, and includes many of the intermediate data products in the data processing path. The Kepler project produced a wide range of data products and documentation to assist the community in using data from the mission to help study both exoplanets and other astrophsyical areas. TCERT Metrics & Dispositions: Flux ScramblingĬompleteness Model Comparison & LimitationsĪstrophysical False Positive Probabilities TCERT Metrics & Dispositions: Flux Inversion TCERT Metrics & Dispositions: Pixel-level Transit Injection TCERT Vetting Forms: Pixel-level Transit Injection Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI): Supplemental Data Validation TCERT Metrics & Dispositions: Supplemental Data Validation Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI): Nominal Processing TCERT Metrics & Dispositions: Nominal Processing Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE): Flux Scrambling Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE): Flux Inversion Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE): Pixel-level Transit InjectionĭV Reports & DV Summaries: Pixel-level Transit Injection Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE): Nominal ProcessingĭV Reports & DV Summaries: Nominal Processing Light Curve Files: Pixe-level Transit Injection

Individual Data Products Ancillary Engineering Data Occurrence Rate Products for Catalog Completeness & Reliability Occurrence Rate Products for Pipeline Completeness

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